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The OpenAPI specification is a language-agnostic definition format used to describe RESTful APIs. Danet provides a dedicated module which allows generating such a specification by leveraging decorators.


The SwaggerModule is currently in Alpha, maaaany features are missing. If something you need is not here yet, please fill an issue/feature request


Simply open the bootstrap.ts file and initialize Swagger using the SwaggerModule class:

import { DanetApplication } from '';
import { SwaggerModule, SpecBuilder } from '';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

async function bootstrap() {
  const application = new DanetApplication();
  await application.init(AppModule);
  const spec = new SpecBuilder()
    .setDescription('The todo API')
  const document = await SwaggerModule.createDocument(application, spec);
  SwaggerModule.setup('api', application, document);
  return application;


document (returned by the SwaggerModule#createDocument() method) is a serializable object conforming to OpenAPI Document. Instead of hosting it via HTTP, you could also save it as a JSON/YAML file, and consume it in different ways.

The SpecBuilder helps to structure a base document that conforms to the OpenAPI Specification. It provides several methods that allow setting such properties as title, description, version, etc. In order to create a full document (with all HTTP routes defined) we use the createDocument() method of the SwaggerModule class. This method takes two arguments, an application instance and a Swagger options object.

Once we create a document, we can call the setup() method. It accepts:

  1. The path to mount the Swagger UI
  2. An application instance
  3. The document object instantiated above

Now you can run the following command to start the HTTP server:

$ deno task launch-server

While the application is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/api. You should see the Swagger UI.


The SwaggerModule automatically reflects all of your endpoints.


To generate and download a Swagger JSON file, navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/json (assuming that your Swagger documentation is available under http://localhost:3000/api).