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Dynamic modules

The Modules chapter covers the basics of Danet modules, and includes a brief introduction to dynamic modules. This chapter expands on the subject of dynamic modules. Upon completion, you should have a good grasp of what they are and how and when to use them.


Most application code examples in the Overview section of the documentation make use of regular, or static, modules. Modules define groups of components like injectables and controllers that fit together as a modular part of an overall application. They provide an execution context, or scope, for these components. For example, injectables defined in a module are visible to other members of the module without the need to export them. When a provider needs to be visible outside of a module, it is first exported from its host module, and then imported into its consuming module.

Let's walk through a familiar example.

First, we'll define a UsersModule to provide and export a UsersService. UsersModule is the host module for UsersService.

import { Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { UsersService } from './users.service';

  injectables: [UsersService],
  exports: [UsersService],
export class UsersModule {}

Next, we'll define an AuthModule, which imports UsersModule, making UsersModule's exported injectables available inside AuthModule:

import { Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { UsersModule } from '../users/users.module';

  imports: [UsersModule],
  injectables: [AuthService],
  exports: [AuthService],
export class AuthModule {}

These constructs allow us to inject UsersService in, for example, the AuthService that is hosted in AuthModule:

import { Injectable } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service';

export class AuthService {
  constructor(private usersService: UsersService) {}
    Implementation that makes use of this.usersService

We'll refer to this as static module binding. All the information Danet needs to wire together the modules has already been declared in the host and consuming modules. Let's unpack what's happening during this process. Danet makes UsersService available inside AuthModule by:

  1. Instantiating UsersModule, including transitively importing other modules that UsersModule itself consumes, and transitively resolving any dependencies (see Custom injectables).
  2. Instantiating AuthModule, and making UsersModule's exported injectables available to components in AuthModule (just as if they had been declared in AuthModule).
  3. Injecting an instance of UsersService in AuthService.

Dynamic module use case

With static module binding, there's no opportunity for the consuming module to influence how injectables from the host module are configured. Why does this matter? Consider the case where we have a general purpose module that needs to behave differently in different use cases. This is analogous to the concept of a "plugin" in many systems, where a generic facility requires some configuration before it can be used by a consumer.

A good example with Danet is a configuration module. Many applications find it useful to externalize configuration details by using a configuration module. This makes it easy to dynamically change the application settings in different deployments: e.g., a development database for developers, a staging database for the staging/testing environment, etc. By delegating the management of configuration parameters to a configuration module, the application source code remains independent of configuration parameters.

The challenge is that the configuration module itself, since it's generic (similar to a "plugin"), needs to be customized by its consuming module. This is where dynamic modules come into play. Using dynamic module features, we can make our configuration module dynamic so that the consuming module can use an API to control how the configuration module is customized at the time it is imported.

In other words, dynamic modules provide an API for importing one module into another, and customizing the properties and behavior of that module when it is imported, as opposed to using the static bindings we've seen so far.

Config module example

Our requirement is to make ConfigModule accept an options object to customize it. Here's the feature we want to support. The basic sample hard-codes the location of the .env file to be in the project root folder. Let's suppose we want to make that configurable, such that you can manage your .env files in any folder of your choosing. For example, imagine you want to store your various .env files in a folder under the project root called config (i.e., a sibling folder to src). You'd like to be able to choose different folders when using the ConfigModule in different projects.

Dynamic modules give us the ability to pass parameters into the module being imported so we can change its behavior. Let's see how this works. It's helpful if we start from the end-goal of how this might look from the consuming module's perspective, and then work backwards. First, let's quickly review the example of statically importing the ConfigModule (i.e., an approach which has no ability to influence the behavior of the imported module). Pay close attention to the imports array in the @Module() decorator:

import { Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { ConfigModule } from './config/config.module';

  imports: [ConfigModule],
  controllers: [AppController],
  injectables: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

Let's consider what a dynamic module import, where we're passing in a configuration object, might look like. Compare the difference in the imports array between these two examples:

import { Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { ConfigModule } from './config/config.module';

  imports: [ConfigModule.register({ folder: './config' })],
  controllers: [AppController],
  injectables: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

Let's see what's happening in the dynamic example above. What are the moving parts?

  1. ConfigModule is a normal class, so we can infer that it must have a static method called register(). We know it's static because we're calling it on the ConfigModule class, not on an instance of the class. Note: this method, which we will create soon, can have any arbitrary name, but by convention we should call it either forRoot() or register().
  2. The register() method is defined by us, so we can accept any input arguments we like. In this case, we're going to accept a simple options object with suitable properties, which is the typical case.
  3. We can infer that the register() method must return something like a module since its return value appears in the familiar imports list, which we've seen so far includes a list of modules.

In fact, what our register() method will return is a DynamicModule. A dynamic module is nothing more than a module created at run-time, with the same exact properties as a static module, plus one additional property called module. Let's quickly review a sample static module declaration, paying close attention to the module options passed in to the decorator:

  imports: [DogsModule], //Love you Nest, had to keep this example <3
  controllers: [CatsController],
  injectables: [CatsService],

Dynamic modules must return an object with the exact same interface, plus one additional property called module. The module property serves as the name of the module, and should be the same as the class name of the module, as shown in the example below.

Hint For a dynamic module, all properties of the module options object are optional except module.

What about the static register() method? We can now see that its job is to return an object that has the DynamicModule interface. When we call it, we are effectively providing a module to the imports list, similar to the way we would do so in the static case by listing a module class name. In other words, the dynamic module API simply returns a module, but rather than fix the properties in the @Module decorator, we specify them programmatically.

There are still a couple of details to cover to help make the picture complete:

  1. We can now state that the @Module() decorator's imports property can take not only a module class name (e.g., imports: [UsersModule]), but also a function returning a dynamic module (e.g., imports: [ConfigModule.register(...)]).
  2. A dynamic module can itself import other modules. We won't do so in this example, but if the dynamic module depends on injectables from other modules, you would import them using the optional imports property. Again, this is exactly analogous to the way you'd declare metadata for a static module using the @Module() decorator.

Armed with this understanding, we can now look at what our dynamic ConfigModule declaration must look like. Let's take a crack at it.

import { DynamicModule, Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { ConfigService } from './config.service';

export class ConfigModule {
  static register(): DynamicModule {
    return {
      module: ConfigModule,
      injectables: [ConfigService],
      exports: [ConfigService],

It should now be clear how the pieces tie together. Calling ConfigModule.register(...) returns a DynamicModule object with properties which are essentially the same as those that, until now, we've provided as metadata via the @Module() decorator.


Import DynamicModule from jsr:@danet/core.

Our dynamic module isn't very interesting yet, however, as we haven't introduced any capability to configure it as we said we would like to do. Let's address that next.

Module configuration

The obvious solution for customizing the behavior of the ConfigModule is to pass it an options object in the static register() method, as we guessed above. Let's look once again at our consuming module's imports property:

import { Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { ConfigModule } from './config/config.module';

  imports: [ConfigModule.register({ folder: './config' })],
  controllers: [AppController],
  injectables: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

That nicely handles passing an options object to our dynamic module. How do we then use that options object in the ConfigModule? Let's consider that for a minute. We know that our ConfigModule is basically a host for providing and exporting an injectable service - the ConfigService - for use by other injectables. It's actually our ConfigService that needs to read the options object to customize its behavior. Let's assume for the moment that we know how to somehow get the options from the register() method into the ConfigService. With that assumption, we can make a few changes to the service to customize its behavior based on the properties from the options object. (Note: for the time being, since we haven't actually determined how to pass it in, we'll just hard-code options. We'll fix this in a minute).

import { Injectable } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { resolve } from "@std/path";
import { loadSync } from "jsr:@std/dotenv";
import { EnvConfig } from './interfaces';

export class ConfigService {
  private readonly envConfig: EnvConfig;

  constructor() {
    const options = { folder: './config' };

    const filePath = `${Deno.env.get('ENVIRONMENT') || 'development'}.env`;
    const envFile = resolve(import.meta.dirname, '../../', options.folder, filePath);
    this.envConfig = loadSync({envPath: envFile, export: true});

  get(key: string): string {
    return this.envConfig[key];

Now our ConfigService knows how to find the .env file in the folder we've specified in options.

Our remaining task is to somehow inject the options object from the register() step into our ConfigService. And of course, we'll use dependency injection to do it. This is a key point, so make sure you understand it. Our ConfigModule is providing ConfigService. ConfigService in turn depends on the options object that is only supplied at run-time. So, at run-time, we'll need to first bind the options object to the Danet IoC container, and then have Danet inject it into our ConfigService. Remember from the Custom injectables chapter that injectables can include any value not just services, so we're fine using dependency injection to handle a simple options object.

Let's tackle binding the options object to the IoC container first. We do this in our static register() method. Remember that we are dynamically constructing a module, and one of the properties of a module is its list of injectables. So what we need to do is define our options object as a provider. This will make it injectable into the ConfigService, which we'll take advantage of in the next step. In the code below, pay attention to the injectables array:

import { DynamicModule, Module } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { ConfigService } from './config.service';

export class ConfigModule {
  static register(options: Record<string, any>): DynamicModule {
    return {
      module: ConfigModule,
      injectables: [
          provide: 'CONFIG_OPTIONS',
          useValue: options,
      exports: [ConfigService],

Now we can complete the process by injecting the 'CONFIG_OPTIONS' provider into the ConfigService. Recall that when we define a provider using a non-class token we need to use the @Inject() decorator as described here.

import { Injectable } from 'jsr:@danet/core';
import { resolve }from "jsr:@std/path";
import { loadSync } from "jsr:@std/dotenv";
import { EnvConfig } from './interfaces';

export class ConfigService {
  private readonly envConfig: EnvConfig;

  constructor(@Inject('CONFIG_OPTIONS') private options: Record<string, any>) {
    const filePath = `${Deno.env.get('ENVIRONMENT') || 'development'}.env`;
    const envFile = resolve(import.meta.dirname, '../../', options.folder, filePath);
    this.envConfig = loadSync({envPath: envFile, export: true});

  get(key: string): string {
    return this.envConfig[key];

One final note: for simplicity we used a string-based injection token ('CONFIG_OPTIONS') above, but best practice is to define it as a constant (or Symbol) in a separate file, and import that file. For example:
