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The Danet CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you to initialize, run and bundle your Danet applications.

In the future, it will allow creating modules/controllers/services.Project created with the CLI embody best-practice architectural patterns to encourage well-structured apps.


Installing Deno packages as a commands is simple. You can install them under any name you want. For simplicity's sake, we install our danet-cli under the name danet.

$ deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run --allow-env -n danet

Basic workflow

Once installed, you can invoke CLI commands directly from your OS command line through the danet command. See the available danet commands by entering the following:

$ danet --help

To create, run a new basic Danet project, go to the folder that should be the parent of your new project, and run the following commands:

$ danet new my-danet-project
$ cd my-danet-project
$ danet develop //run with file watching
$ danet start  //run without file watching

In your browser, open http://localhost:3000 to see the new application running.

Database Options

When creating a new project, Danet CLI will ask you what database provider you want to use between mongodb, postgres and in-memory and will generate all the required code.

The only thing left if you use mongodb or postgres will be to set environment variables or put them in a .env file in your project's root folder.

However, if you need it to be less interactive, you can pass the followings options when calling danet new :

  • --mongodb
  • --postgres
  • --in-memory